Content Creation

How to repurpose content

Do you know how to repurpose content effectively?

A tactic used by many Content Creators to help them have more content to share on their Social Media accounts is by repurposing it. When you repurpose content, you reach more eyes and you have more pieces of content to help you achieve the daily Social Media presence.

You don’t need to create content from scratch every day or week. Sometimes, you can reuse previously created content and your community will consider it’s something fresh.

Whatever type of content you create, you may repurpose it.

How to repurpose content

If you are wondering how to repurpose content, let me tell you you just need some more time. It’s much easier than creating fresh content. You only have to give a different form and share it everywhere.

How can you do this?

On this article, you can find many ways to repurpose the content you create.

I break it into 3 sections, depending on the main type of content you create.

Take notes!

i. Repurposing Blog Posts

Blog posts are the easiest forms of content to repurpose. Although you need to put some extra effort to create other stand-alone posts, you can have multiple pieces of content from just one blog post.

Let’s see here some ways to repurpose a Blog post:

  1. Create a Twitter Thread out of your Blog post 
  2. Take 5-6 blog posts and create an eBook
  3. Break it to stand alone Social Media Posts/tweets
  4. Read out loud the blog post and record yourself to create a new podcast or video show
  5. Record a video of you analyzing a recent Blog post. 
  6. Remove all the details from the blog post and send it as a newsletter (subscribe to this blog’s email list to get these type of posts)
  7. If the blog post has a list of things, you can create images for an Instagram Carousel (from just this paragraph I could create 11 images)
  8. Break a long-form content into a week-long email course
  9. Create multiple tweets from just one article
  10. Share the top-performing blog posts in an eBook/Video version (like I did here)
  11. Create a video by using the Headings and one sentence from each paragraph (you may use tools like InVideo for this)

ii. Repurposing Videos

Working with videos? This format is one of the most favorite for every platform. 

If you just share the video on YouTube and Facebook, you should reconsider. There are so many other places you could take advantage of with a minimal effort. 

Check here 8 ways to repurpose the videos you create, so to have content on your other Social Media accounts as well:

  1. Take a teaser out of the video. Use this to promote the video before it’s published.  
  2. Break it into multiple Story slides. This will give you content for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat
  3. Do something relevant to create an Instagram Carousel with videos
  4. Locate a few seconds of a fun part and create a GIF
  5. Break a sentiment that matches TikTok and Instagram Reels humorous content
  6. If you don’t show how to do something, you may share it as a podcast, too
  7. If you share tips on the video, break it into sub videos for each tip (so if you share 5 tips, you can have 5 more pieces of content)
  8. Use the transcript to create a written form of content, like a blog post. If no transcript is used, you can write it manually.

Join the Content Creation Community! Visit the Facebook Group, Content Creation for Social Media for many tips regarding Content Marketing.

iii. Repurposing Images

Almost every Content Creator creates images. It’s the simplest format of media you can create.

With all the available tools, creating images is an easy task. Plus, it takes much less time to create, in contrast to blog posts, and it’s often free, in contrast to tools for creating videos.

For whatever you create images about, you can repurpose them to have more pieces of content available and shared on your Social Media Accounts. 

Here are some ideas for repurposing the images you create (Note: Always adjust your image size to fit each platform’s recommended size):

  1. Resize the image to use it both as a timeline post and as a story slide (stories now can be found pretty much everywhere)
  2. Use images from the same topic/category to create an Instagram Carousel
  3. Do the same to create an Instagram Guide
  4. Convert a tweet to an Image
  5. Combine several images together to create a slideshow (you can also add background music) or even a GIF
  6. Turn a static image into an animated one (add effects or use tools like Motionleap – available in Android & iOS)

This is how to repurpose content to achieve an active presence

When you choose to repurpose content, you save much time and prepare something new, by recycling existing content.

This is a must-have tactic. You already know how difficult it is to get inspired and generate new content ideas. Especially if you want to have an every day presence on Social Media.

So, learn how to repurpose content effectively to fill your content library without creating from scratch!

Content Creation Tips for Social Media Marketing

Found this article helpful? You can find dozens of ready-made tips to create engaging content in the online course: Content Creation Tips for Social Media. The tips I use come from my personal experience in Content Creation!

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By Maria Papadouri

My name is Maria Papadouri and I am a Content Creator. I help people promote what they love doing by creating beautiful online content.