Available Online Courses & Tools

Content Creation Shop

content creation shop for social media marketing ChatGPT prompts

Ready-made content you can use on your accounts to create engaging Social Media Posts!

Easy Content Creator!

Easy Content Creator

Easy Content Creator is an easy-to-use tool, which helps you to instantly Generate Post Ideas and Create Unlimited Content and Posts for any Social Media account you manage!

Content Creation for Social Media

Content Creation for Social Media Course

A full, comprehensive course on Content Creation for any level of Content Marketers, which helps you to have targeted content on a daily basis. 

Content Creation Tips for Social Media Marketing

Content Creation Tips for Social Media & Digital Marketing

An ever-growing list of practical and evergreen Tips to help you find ideas and turn them into engaging content


Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing Tips - Course

Email Marketing Tips is a course that teaches you how to create engaging emails & newsletters that land on the main inbox and achieve the highest possible open rate.

Increase the Engagement of a Facebook Page


Increase the Engagement of a Facebook Page is an online course that helps you learn in less than one hour what you can do to immediately improve a declined Facebook reach & engagement.