Content Creation Tips for Social Media Marketing


An ever-growing list of practical and evergreen Tips to help you find ideas and turn them into engaging content

What is this course about

Content Creation has never been as important as it is today. Social Media Marketing and Digital Marketing in general need valuable content to achieve great results.


Although every Digital Marketer has solid knowledge and access to great resources regarding Social Media Marketing & Digital Marketing, the same doesn’t apply to the actual Content Creation process. 


It’s easy to teach “how to run effective ads” but you can’t teach how to create digital content that applies to everyone. It’s something you need to find out according to the people you are targeting. This is why many struggle with finding new ideas and convert them to engaging pieces of content that their community would love to consume.


I have focused all my energy into trying to share simple and working content production solutions, available for everyone. Once you understand what the community really asks for, Content Creation will become a pleasant habit. 

The help you will get from this Course

In Content Creation Tips for Social Media & Digital Marketing you will find practical, working and ready to apply content tips

It’s not the casual training course; the examples you will find here can be directly used in your content strategy, even if you have zero experience in content production.

If you ever lack ideas or engaging content, just visit the corresponding category, pick a lecture and apply the tip. 

All the tips I share come from my own personal experience! Things I try and see good results. So I only give working examples and not examples that may work in theory. 

What is included in the Course

➡️ Working tips you can apply directly

➡️ 3 important parts are covered regarding Content Marketing: Ideas  Generation, Content Creation and Optimisation & Engagement

➡️  A list with post templates to feed your content library

➡️ The list is ever-growing! Every time I find fresh and working content creation tips I will be sharing them here!

➡️ You can also download the slides I use

➡️ You get Udemy’s official Certification of Completion

➡️ There is an active and growing Facebook community regarding Content Creation for Social Media. You may request to become a member and start learning with others!

The Sections of the Course

There are 3 section in Content Creation Tips for Social Media Marketing:

    1. Ideas Generation: The tips shared here will help you to find new and practical ideas and turn them into pieces of content
    2. Content Creation: The actual part where you will find help on how to create the content instantly 
    3. Optimization & Engagement: The tips here are about optimizing the content, improve its overall performance and achieving higher engagement
      Bonus!: This is the area where I share anything regarding Content Creation that doesn’t fit in the above sections


The platform we use is Udemy, which is one of the most trusted and well – known learning platforms in the world.

The extra help you may need

This is not my first course regarding Content Creation. One of the courses that are also available in Udemy is “Content Creation for Social Media”. The difference between these 2 courses is that “Content Creation Tips for Social Media Marketing” shares practical tips, which help you to create content right now.

On the other hand, “Content Creation for Social Media” is a learning course, which teaches you how to Create Content from the very beginning. Depending on what your priority is, you can choose the right course for you.

You can also choose to enroll on both of them, although both are stand-alone courses! 

Enroll Now!

If you want to…

✅ Learn practical tips regarding Content Creation

✅ See tangible results in what you create

✅ Use ready-made templates and tweak them to match your own content

✅ Apply these tips to every niche you may belong

✅ Avoid spending time coming up with the right ideas

✅ See high reach and engagement in what you publish 

Make the Content Creation Process easy and efficient!

Maria Papadouri Social Media

Maria Papadouri

Content Crafter | Social Media Trainer

I love sharing Content Creation & Social Media Tips with people who want to improve their online presence!

I teach Social Media Marketing to people who want to manage their online accounts.

The purpose that drives all my online appearance is this: To see more beautiful things online, that can improve our daily life, both online and offline.

Let’s learn together to create better digital content!