Content Creation

Content Strategy on Social Media: More than simple posts

In order to grow your online presence, you need to have a content strategy on Social Media. Without sharing content, you can’ be active and share your passion, work, lifestyle and anything else you want to promote.

But what does it mean to share content on Social Media? Have you even thought about what exactly this is? Everyone can publish a photo or a post. Content, though, goes beyond simple posts.

Content Strategy on Social Media: beyond simple posts

Through the content you create, you tell your story. Even when you add a simple poll; you still lead the conversation and reach a conclusion. Of course, you need a solid plan. The stronger the content strategy is, the better results will generate.

And this is how Content can help in Social Media. When you want to make an impact through what you publish, you earn respect and attention.

What Content Strategy on Social Media looks like

To answer this question, you need to concentrate on the result first. What do you want to achieve? The answer should go beyond sales. For sales, you can run ads. But to have an impact, you need to create content.

Let’s say you are a nutritionist and you want to promote the benefits of proper nutrition. You can create a whole Content Library focusing on this subject.

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But you will not just publish without a strategy. You can make an outline in advance and break the topics into smaller chunks of content.

Eg: The upcoming 2 weeks, the content you will produce will cover everything regarding dairy products. The benefits, what to consider, what is the best time to consume it, what other specialists recommend etc.

You will then prepare the content for each topic. Instead of just your posts, you can schedule webinars or interviews with other nutritionists or gym trainers and you can even host Ask me Anything sessions. 

If you want to go beyond that, you can even create an online library of dairy nutritional facts for every age, body type, activity level, etc. And you can offer personalized advice as a top – funnel service.

On the next days / week, you can talk about nuts, carbs, protein, soya, meal plans, how muscles grow, how fat is burned etc. You can create cheat sheets, eBooks, mini video series, email sequences, podcast shows, just to create a solid knowledge regarding each topic. This is how you educate your community and offer value. 

Join the Content Creation Community! Visit the Facebook Group, Content Creation for Social Media for many tips regarding Content marketing.

Always see the bigger picture

Don’t limit yourself in the posts you create and the platforms you share. Aim higher. Produce content to achieve a bigger goal, help more people and have an impact.

The posts and platforms just help the message spread. It’s the quality of your work that makes the difference.

If you put the effort to create a knowledge base for what you offer, you will attract the right audience. After that, you can contribute your content to reach more people.

Just imagine people coming to your channels and see what you have created for them. They will start following you, consume your content, begin to trust you and eventually convert into customers.

Content Strategy requires time

If you want to achieve this, you need to start from creating the outline. Have a plan for one or two months. After the outline is ready, start thinking what kind of content you will produce and how often you will share it on Social Media.  

Follow the plan you create and spread the word though your online channels. This takes time but it will help you to stay organized. When you concentrate on one thing, you can create many forms of content until you run out of things to say. Then you can talk about a new topic.

Content strategy is your friend!

A strategy is very important to help you stay on track. Otherwise, the whole content creation process can be overwhelming. Remember, it is  always better to have an impact rather than just fill-in the gaps by sharing posts. Do different things to achieve different results!

Do you follow a content strategy on Social Media? Share it in the comments! 

By Maria Papadouri

My name is Maria Papadouri and I am a Content Creator. I help people promote what they love doing by creating beautiful online content.