Social Media posts keep any account active. This is how the content is served on every platform. And these posts determine the overall engagement of the page, profile or group.
Creating the content is the first step in content marketing. Distribution is the second part. You can’t skip nor underestimate its importance; if people can’t find what you create, then this piece of content can’t serve its purpose.
On Social Media, the content is distributed through the Social Media posts. Shared articles, videos or images, lives or watch parties, simple status updates or polls. Everything works as a means to distribute the message with the rest of the world. And this is why it’s important to have variety on the Social Media posts you create.
Why variety is important on Social Media Posts
One advice I give to people I train is to avoid to only share one single post type on their accounts. Let’s take for example Facebook. According to the type of page you have, it gives so many post types:

Why should we limit ourselves to only post a single form?
If you choose to have 2 or 3 post types, the account will seem richer. But most importantly, it will help you understand the types of content your community responds to better. And you can use this knowledge to create rapport with the followers.
Join the Content Creation Community! Visit the Facebook Group, Content Creation for Social Media for many tips regarding Content marketing.
How to have variety on Social Media Posts
As you understand, it’s not difficult to have variety on your Social Media posts. Unless you are a media page and you choose to only share videos / lives, on every other occasion, you can experiment with the available formats.
If you usually create blog posts, then most probably you share Link Posts. But you can also create Facebook Notes or LinkedIn articles. And how about taking the main points of each article and share them as an image post? Or as a video or even slideshow?
And how about creating polls? People may not engage actively but on polls they are more willing to participate.
You can even request Direct Messages or other questions through the Stories Question Sticker.
Infographics or gifographics are also a thing, especially if your niche supports them. On Twitter, you can now share audio tweets, which is a cool way to express your opinion in a few seconds.
You can even write a list in a mobile app like “Keep Notes”, screenshot them and share them as images.
Practically, there are dozens of combinations you could try. Experiment with some of them for a period of time, see what your community prefers and keep 2-4 types for the weekly planning.
How do you prepare all these Social Media Posts
It may sound overwhelming, but you just need to try this for a few days / weeks. After this period it will be easier to create various posts.
What I always suggest, is if you create long-form pieces of content, prepare the stand-alone posts right after you finish it. Then everything is just a matter of planning!
How many types of Social Media posts do you have?
Variety could be key to an engaging account. I also describe this in my recent course, “How to Improve The Engagement of a Facebook Page”. Try to have more than one post type (3 at least) and see if this improves the engagement of that account. This is what works on my personal accounts, at least.
Do you have post variety? Which type do you find the most engaging for your community?