Content Creation

My Marketing Toolkit: 6 tools I use every day

There are so many digital tools regarding Content & Social Media Marketing. We all use them to automate our work, make things faster and better. The last few years, I have been using some specific tools to get things done. Here, I am sharing my Marketing Toolkit:

My marketing toolkit:

1. Google Suite

I cannot find a single excuse for someone not to use Google Suite. It’s Google’s project, available across your devices and best of all, it’s free to use. 

There is no learning curve if you know how to use Microsoft Word or Excel since Google Docs, Spreadsheets and Slides keep the philosophy the same.

In a doc, I create: 

  • All the copywriting for Social Media Posts
  • My blog posts
  • The emails I send
  • My eBooks / Lead Magnets
  • Any idea that pops regarding the content I create
  • I keep my Content Calendar (in Spreadsheets)
  • My Slides for the training/courses I give (in Slides)

You can tell there is a dedicated tab just for Google Docs 🙂 

2. Canva Pro

My second favorite “weapon” in my Marketing Toolkit is Canva Pro. For years I have been using the free version but since I upgraded, there is no turning back.

Easy to use, nearly unlimited images / elements, powerful integrations, amazing features (did you know you can remove any image’s background with one click? Canva Pro offers this). And the drag and drop function makes image creation an easy process. 

Using Canca Pro, I create: 

  • The images in my blogs
  • The templates for my Social Media posts
  • The thumbnails of my YouTube videos
  • Any graphic I need for my online properties (e.g. my podcast graphic was designed in Canva). 

Oh, and it’s also available as a desktop app, for both Windows and Mac. Just in case you don’t like working with web apps. 

3. Grammarly 

The mistakes I would make if Grammarly didn’t exist, would be impossible to count. Grammarly is a Chrome plugin that corrects / suggests corrections for everything you type in Chrome.

It’s a must if you are a copywriter and a great assistance if you type even little text. 

I love it because the spelling corrections are accurate and the same applies to grammar suggestions.

There is a Pro version but I am satisfied with the Free I currently have. 

4. Content Studio

The fourth tool in my Marketing Toolkit is Content Studio. It’s helpful to me as a Content Creator since I have in one dashboard the news from my favorite blogs, niches, keywords. 

If you are a news publisher or if you generally share news articles, this is the place to be. I currently have the Premium Version out of a deal I got on AppSumo. You can try it if you wish and if/when there is a new AppSumo deal, you can think if you want to upgrade. 

5. InVideo

I can’t say I am the best Video Creator you will find around. Yet, I am not the best graphic designer either, but I think I create decent graphics with Canva. The same applies with InVideo.

It’s a tool that allows me to create Social Media videos for the Pages I moderate without putting too much time and effort. 

The templates are awesome, fully customized and there is a great variety in available graphics. 

I am also on the Pro Plan, which is mandatory if you want to create label free videos. After all, you cannot find any video creation tool completely free to use.  

6. Moosend

The last tool in my marketing toolkit is Moosend. I use it to schedule my email campaigns and automate the steps visitors take on my website. What I mostly love about Moosend is the available automations! There are dozens you can set up and keep visitors engaged.  

I also love their customer support. Any time I needed assistance they replied quickly and were very polite. 

Moosend is free to use with 1000 subscribers. 

What is included in your Marketing Toolkit?

So, these are the tools I use every day for Content & Social Media Marketing purposes! I would love to know which tools you use and you can share some feedback.

By Maria Papadouri

My name is Maria Papadouri and I am a Content Creator. I help people promote what they love doing by creating beautiful online content.