Content Creation

5 marketing newsletters I follow

I’m a great fan of Email Marketing. What I mostly love are marketing newsletters. Especially the value-packed newsletters that make me better on any subject.

Regarding Social Media Marketing, I am subscribed to a handful. In this way, I get many updates or articles that help me in content creation and stay up – to – date with the latest trends.

Especially on various Content & Social Media Marketing Tips, I  learn many things just by having the newsletters landing in my inbox. I then have set up rules in my Gmail and they end up there. 

Everytime I need some inspiration, I know where to look for it!

But of course, not every newsletter matches my preferences. This is why I am very careful when subscribing to new lists. For me, the value – packed newsletter is the one that gives me tips I never heard about. And my open rate is close to 100% when I receive them! 

Here, I am sharing 5 marketing newsletters I follow and you can check to see if their content matches your preferences, too.

5 Marketing Newsletters I follow

1. Later is an online tool dedicated to improve the performance of an Instagram account. It allows Instagram post scheduling with visual planning. It also analyses the performance of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest posts. 

And it has a very compelling newsletter.

You can always visit their blog to read about Instagram Marketing, but it’s even better when you have this knowledge coming to you. The secrets shared are right to the point and any digital marketer would found helpful. 

2. Axios

A high-quality website with various newsletters. There are several mailing lists to follow, I follow Media Trends. I get weekly media updates on various niches and Axios is known in the digital ecosystem. 

Apart form Media & Technology, you can also find newsletters regarding Politics, Business, Society & Ideas.

3. Social Media Examiner 

One of the very best Social Media blogs out there and (if I remember correctly) the blog that introduced me to the Social Media World, is Social Media Examiner. Haven’t lost it’s quality since, quite the opposite actually. 

I get weekly updates with the blog posts that are published, which is a great round-up without too many details. They don’t just write articles, they prepare How – To’s guides, that you can tell they dedicate time and effort to produce. 

4. Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vee is a very well-known persona in the Social Media world. His consistency in sharing premium, helpful content is both amazing and  inspiring.

His newsletter is GaryVeekly and you can find there News, Behind the Scenes, Business Tips and other great content. Not many people can inspire you like Gary regarding Business and Social Media Marketing, and you can follow him pretty much everywhere. 

5. Copyblogger 

This is more niche – down to copywriting, but a great source as well. (Proper) Social Media Marketing can’t exist without copywriting and Copyblogger has an active blog regarding this. 

They also include Social Media news in their newsletter and cover a lot regarding Content Marketing. 

Bonus: Content Creation Tips! also has an active newsletter. Email recipients get Content Creation and Social Media Marketing tips that practically help anyone who manages their online presence.

You can subscribe for a 5 – day mini content course and then get unique tips, coming from my experiences. The motto for this email series is more value, less self-talking 🙂

You can subscribe here to see what it is about.

What Marketing Newsletters do you follow?

These are some of the marketing newsletter I follow and recommend. Of course, there are many more out there, but I have to be selective otherwise I wouldn’t follow them all.

I’m always open to new ideas and I love trying new things. Do you recommend any other marketing newsletters that practically help you regarding Content & Social Media Marketing? Share it below!

By Maria Papadouri

My name is Maria Papadouri and I am a Content Creator. I help people promote what they love doing by creating beautiful online content.