Content Creation

1 Great Content Calendar Tip: Consider Flow

If you are building your Content Strategy, consider this Content Calendar Tip

One issue when we create our Content Calendar (or when we get ideas or advice on what to include in our Calendar) is the lack of flow.

This means the ideas are around things that cannot be replicated in the upcoming weeks. For example, I read a lot of people suggesting telling your story, introducing your employees, sharing a secret or a best practice, etc.

Although all these are important and even a must-have, you cannot write these things every couple of weeks. So you may have content for one month, but what content will you have for the next one? 

Consider Flow

What works best, is coming up with a system with the same categories but the content can be replicated.

Here’s what I mean:

If let’s say, you are posting content 5 days per week, you could have 5 main categories:

  • Entertainment/Funny/Gifs/Jokes 
  • Sharing tips/advice/secrets
  • User-Generated Content
  • Q&As
  • General questions/inspiration/polls/challenges


Then, you create a piece of content that falls under each of these categories.

For example:

  1. On day one you share a funny gif/meme/story
  2. On day two, a tip or a piece of advice coming from your niche
  3. On day three, you may choose to share content coming from your community 
  4. On day four you answer some commonly asked questions or even host a Q&A session
  5. On day five you share quotes, you ask general yet relevant questions, you promote inspiration, etc 

Doing so, allows you to mix the content you produce and creates a flow since it’s a strategy that can be replicated. No more one-off piece of content for one month, and staring at a blank page the next month. You have the structure and you support it with fresh material.

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Create your own categories

Of course, these categories are just an example. You will need to come up with tailored categories. In order to find them, check the analytics/insights of your account over the last months. Which types worked best? Start creating the categories from there. Test it for some weeks until you know you can follow the creation process. 

On you!

Hope this can help you! If you have any other tips, I would love to know them!

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By Maria Papadouri

My name is Maria Papadouri and I am a Content Creator. I help people promote what they love doing by creating beautiful online content.