Content Creation for Social Media Course

Content Creation for Social Media

Become a member of our Facebook Group Content Creation for Social Media and meet our dedicated community where we share practical Content Creation and Social Media Marketing Tips!

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✅ One of the most cost-effective value groups you could possibly find

✅ Grow your network with like-minded people

✅ Posts are coming from our very own experience – we try new things and share the findings with you

Not sure if it worths it? Have a look at some of the posts we share:

Here are some of the posts shared in the Group Content Creation for Social Media:

A trick to get dozens of great Content Ideas

One of the best resources to find Content Ideas regarding your niche is Books. Many books share practical tips depending on the niche you belong to, so you could get a lot of inspiration.
Of course, you need time to read books, and you just need to select the correct books that will give the help you are asking for.

But what if I told you there is a workaround? 

Here’s what you could do:
  • Visit Amazon or any other online place that sells books (Amazon works best here)
  • Look for various books in the niche you belong
  • Open the preview and head to the Table of Contents
  • Check from there the headings: tons of curated ideas to create content about and share it with your followers.
And since you are not reading the whole chapter, you are not copying the content – you just create your own. So there is authenticity and content regarding subjects that are so good, that authors and writers chose to include them in their publications!

Let me know your thoughts!

And share with us any other relevant tips you may have!

This is why Content Calendar doesn’t seem to work for you

One issue when we create our Content Calendar (or when we get ideas or advice on what to include in our Calendar) is the lack of flow.

This means the ideas are around things that cannot be replicated in the upcoming weeks. For example, I read a lot of people suggesting telling your story, introducing your employees, sharing a secret or a best practice, etc.

Although all these are important and even a must-have, you cannot write these things every couple of weeks. So you may have content for one month, but what content will you have for the next one?
What works best, is coming up with a system that has the same categories but the content can be replicated.
Here’s what I mean:

If let’s say, you are posting content 5 days per week, you could have 5 main categories:
  • Entertainment/Funny/Gifs/Jokes
  • Sharing tips/advice/secrets
  • User-Generated Content
  • Q&As
  • General questions/inspiration/polls/challenges
Then, you create a piece of content that falls under each of these categories.
For example:
  • On day one you share a funny gif/meme/story
  • On day two, a tip or a piece of advice coming from your niche
  • On day three, you may choose to share content coming from your community
  • On day four you answer some commonly asked questions or even host a Q&A session
  • On day five you share quotes, you ask general yet relevant questions, you promote inspiration, etc
Doing so, allows you to mix the content you produce and creates a flow since it’s a strategy that can be replicated. No more one-off piece of content for one month, and staring at a blank page the next month. You have the structure and you support it with fresh material.

You will only need to come up with tailored categories. In order to find them, check the analytics/insights of your account over the last months. Which types worked best? Start creating the categories from there. Test it for some weeks until you know you can follow the creation process.
Hope this can help you! 

How to make Facebook suggest your page/group

One of the membership questions this group has before you get approved is how you found it.

I don’t know if everyone is honest about it, but the most common answer I get is that Facebook suggests this group to you.

And this is really something interesting since I don’t (heavily) promote it, nor my Content Creation Tips page. Nevertheless, I get dozens of requests per day from #ContentCreators around the world.
Have you ever wondered how Facebook suggests groups to our targeted audience? 
It’s because of the relevant content we create.

Almost every post here is about #ContentCreation, which works as an SEO keyword. Facebook knows when its users are Content Creators or when they look for help regarding how to produce content. And this is how it suggests relevant groups/pages to each user.
So how do you make Facebook suggest your Page/Group to people who will be interested?
  1. Have a proper name. If this group was called Maria Papadouri, it wouldn’t make any sense if you didn’t know me. But the name is specific and right to the point: it’s about creating content for Social Media. Specific, targeted, to the point.
  2. Use the keywords in the description
  3. Use the keywords in the posts you create
  4. Publish frequently!
Do these even if the name of the page is your brand’s name and you can’t give it a different name to rank as keywords. If you still use keywords in the content, you still get SEO juice.
I hope this makes sense. Let me know your thoughts!

Get Access Now 🔥

  • One of the most active groups you can find regarding Content Creation
  • You can find practical and unique tips! The tips shared are coming from the experience we get through our marketing efforts 
  • You may ask your own questions and participate in weekly threads regarding Content Creation. Ideas are exchanged! 
  • In the group, there are professionals, enthusiasts, small business owners, freelancers, amateurs and people who love creating content as a hobby. Everybody is welcome! 
  • Subscribe using PayPal or any other Card, then visit the Group Content Creation for Social Media and just enter the email you used for the subscription. 
  • You may cancel anytime 
  • You can send us an email at for anything you need help about


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